CHARACTERS Father O’Donnell John Kelly Mary McGuire Thomas Malloy Daniel Gillen Bernadette Gregory (Ginger) O’Shaugnessy Derek Copeland Christine Warner Login / Register to apply & obtain a free quote ENSEMBLE News Announcers Referee Unpleasant-looking Women x 2 Policemen x 2 Prison Guard Prison Inmates Men and Women of Belfast x 22 (ish) VOCAL REQUIREMENTS John—Tenor Daniel—Baritone or Tenor Thomas—Tenor Ginger—Baritone or Tenor Del—Baritone or Tenor 5 Boys (singing with dancing experience)—All ranges (to top A) 5 Boys (dancing with singing experience)—Strong contemporary style Father O’Donnell—Must be able to hold a tune Mary—Soprano Christine—Mezzo-Soprano Bernadette—Soprano 4 Girls—Primarily movement-based role 2 Older Men—All ranges required 2 Older Women—All ranges required Production ResourcesMusic Materials & Resources